Please invest in our community and help save the rural character of New Hampshire
Look for Event Announcements on our Facebook page. If you are not on Facebook and would like to know about our online auction bake sales, and other events, email us and we’ll happily add you to our contact list.
Opening Day ~ Saturday, May 25th BAKE SALE & PLANT SALE
Bake Sales and Open House at the Historic Drake Building ~ preserving Effingham “one slice at a time”. Bake Sales are from 9 to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of June, July, August, and September.

The Gladys B. Brown Memorial Art Show. Saturdays, September 14 and 28. Showcasing work by locally-connected artists. Opening Reception Thursday, September 5th at 6 PM.

Fall Fundraiser ~ Music & Storytelling with Arthur Surette – space limited – advance ticket purchase required.

3rd Annual Street Dance with Friends of the Library – to benefit the Historic Town Hall Project. October 19th at the Library.

The 2024 Season
Plant Sale – May 25th Spring Fundraiser to benefit the Historic Town Hall – Library Project. Hardy, locally-grown, perennials for sale.

July 13 – Strawberry Shortcake on homemade biscuits with real whipped cream – 9 am – Noon.

7th Annual Street Fair -Saturday, August 17 (rain or shine) Join us in celebrating 25 YEARS OF PRESERVING EFFINGHAM.